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Corporate Governance & Compliance

Duration: 5 half day sessions

Data: Upon request

Time: 8.00 - 12.00

Costs: ANG 2.850,00 (Incl. OB)

PE: 20 niet-wettelijke PE-uren


In today’s complex world, financial institutions are among the so-called gatekeepers of the financial system. While the business is primarily responsible for compliance, the board of supervisory directors is ultimately responsible for the integrity of the business practices and they must carefully guard that integrity. Complying with the externally mandated laws and the internal company regulations is therefore an important priority for the board of directors and the board of supervisory directors. Therefore, in order to assure the integrity of the business enterprise, the institutions should adequately understand the risks associated with their operations, which could be in contravention of the law and/or just not in accordance with acceptable social behavior. This is necessary to safeguard the public’s trust not only in the specific institution but also in the financial system in general.

Voor wie is deze training?

The workshop is meant for directors and future directors, supervisory directors and compliance managers of banks, insurance companies, pension funds, lawyers, accountants, etc.

Wat kun je verwachten?

The primary goal of this course is the detection and management of integrity risks, such as fraud, money laundering and corruption. In separate workshops, attention will be given to culture and behavior, to the risk of fraud, money laundering and corruption committed by individuals; to the current developments in the legislation regarding supervision and the obligation to carry out a systematic analysis of the integrity risks. At the conclusion of the program, attention will be paid to “lessons learned’, where recent compliance problems will be discussed.

Door wie?

The lecturer and trainer for this program is Mr. Dick Alblas. 

Dick is both a lawyer and an accountant and his practice consists of providing procedural assistance and advice to companies, institutions, directors, supervisory directors and professionals, including accountants and tax professionals, as concerns financial/economic civil and criminal law, as well as administrative and sanction law. As a forensic accountant, he has accumulated vast experience in the area of public and private detection and examination and as such is a trusted sparring partner for his clients, to whom he provides assistance in their contacts with a variety of government and enforcement agencies. Dick also advises and trains financial institutions as concerns compliance in the area of the Dutch Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (Wwft), anti-corruption legislation and administrative sanction law. He is the principal lecturer in this area at the Academy for Banks and Assurances of the University of Amsterdam and is often invited to be a visiting lecturer, among others for NIBE SVV and the Compliance Institute of the Netherlands. 


The course consists of 5 workshops, given in morning sessions, and each will cover one of the following subjects:

  1. Governance and the human being as element of risk: the role of behavioral & cultural governance and the organization of supervision of ‘culture and behavior’.

  2. Most recent developments in the international legislation on AML/CFT: new elements in the European directives on AML/CFT and the developments as concerns risk management and the improvement of the audit and compliance functions; the organization of UB registration, the increased scrutiny of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and the supervision of providers of payment services and the issuers and keepers of virtual currencies (cryptos), including the increased input and cohesion of the supervising entities.

  3. Most recent information on types of money laundering and new techniques of laundering, among which trade-based money laundering and use of crypto currencies; new technological developments such as RegTech and FinTech will also be discussed.

  4. Risk assessments in daily practice: ESA and EBA Guidelines for risk assessments, the Systematic Integrity Risk Analysis (SIRA) and risk analysis at country or institutional level.

  5. Lessons learned, which will focus on widely covered cases having been in the news in the past year, such as the Vimpelcom, Danske Bank and ING Bank cases. 

The course will be given in Dutch and can be given in English, upon request.

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